Definition of Implications
According to the Big Dictionary the meaning of the word implication is the involvement or atmosphere involved. So that each word affix comes from implications such as the word implies or implies that means to bring a tangle of involvement or involve with something.
Implications According to Experts Are
According to Islamy (2003, 114-115), the implication is everything that has been produced by the process of policy formulation. In other words, the implications are the consequences and consequences caused by the implementation of certain policies or activities.
According to Winarno (2002: 171-174): There are at least five dimensions that must be discussed in calculating the implications of a policy. These dimensions include: first, the policy implications on public matters and the policy implications of the people involved.
Second, the policy may have implications for circumstances or groups outside the policy goals or objectives.
Third, policy may have implications for present and future conditions.
Fourth, evaluation also involves another element, namely the direct costs incurred to finance public policy programs.
Fifth, indirect costs incurred by the community or some community members due to public policies.
According to Silalahi (2005: 43), implications are the consequences arising from the implementation of a program or policy, which can be good or not on the parties that are targeted for the implementation of the program or policy.
Kinds of Implications
The implication consists of several types, seen from the use of which consists of several types of them.
Theoretical Implications
Managerial Implications
Methodology Implications
Implications of Mathematical Logic
Implications in Leadership
Ethical Implications
Cultural Implications
Implications of Globalization
Theoretical Implications
In this section the researcher presents a complete picture of the theoretical implications of this study. This section aims to convince examiners of the contributions to science in theories used to solve research problems, but also their implications for theories relevant to the main field of study presented in theoretical models.
Managerial Implications
Managerial implications, namely reviewing or discussing the conclusions or the final results of research. Of course, these conclusions are obtained based on the policies applied in the research method. The policies taken to obtain the final results of the decision were obtained through a comprehensive and participatory decision-making process of all research members and in an appropriate managerial manner. The implications of policies related to the results of the study are also referred to as managerial implications. In addition, managerial implications can provide benefits for management science. That management consists of two implications, namely:
Procedural implications, namely analysis, work planning, policy choices, and procedures for analysis.
Substantive implications, namely the estimation of the plan and formulation of an action.
Methodology Implications
This section is optional and presents the author's reflection on the methodology used in his research. For example in this section we can present an explanation of which parts of the research method have been done very well and which parts are relatively difficult and which procedures have been developed to overcome various that difficulty is not actually described before in the literature on research methods. Researchers can present in this section approaches that can be used in further research or other research to facilitate or to improve the quality of research.