Lithosphere is the outer shell of a rocky planet. The lithosphere is derived from the Greek word, lithos which means rocky and sphere which means solid. This lithosphere is derived from the word lithos which means rock and sphere means layer. Literally the lithosphere is the most extraordinary layer of the earth or commonly referred to as the earth's crust. This layer, broken up into sections or tectonic plates, which moves continuously and is responsible for geological activities on earth, the lithosphere is about 60 miles far in most places.
The lithosphere is preceded by the asthenosphere, the mantle and the outer and inner strata of the Earth's core. Because the lithosphere is always moving. According to geologists, they believe that all darata on earth originate from a single continent called (Pangea) as a result of thousands of years of stable movements that form continents.
Some Other Facts
The outer lithosphere layer consists of Sio2 and A1203 or, unfortunately, the deepest lithosphere layer consists of chemical compounds SiO2 and MgO or sima.
The boundary between the pesky and sima layers in the earth's surface is irregular.
Between the earth's core and the earth's crust there is a layer of rock.
The earth's core is called Barisfer / Nife, consisting of a composition of nickel and ferum metals.
Earth's lithosphere includes the crust and the top part of the earth's mantle (is dense) which results in the hardness of the outer layers of the planet Earth. Batasa between the matel and the earth's crust is called the moho layer. The lithosphere is supported by the asthenosphere which is the weaker, hotter and deeper part of the mantle. The boundary between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere is distinguished in terms of its response to stress, the lithosphere remains dense over a relatively long geological period and changes elasticly due to cracks while the asthenosphere changes like a thick liquid.
Parts of the Litosphere (Earth Skin)
Damn Layer
The layer of the earth's crust is composed of silisium metal and aluminum, the compounds are in the form of SiO2 and AL 2 O3. In the pesky layer (silisium and aluminum) there are sedimentary rocks, andesite granite types of metamorphic rocks and other rocks found on continental land. The pesky layer is also called the crustal layer and the average 35 km of sandstone.
The crust is divided into two parts, namely:
Continent Crust
It is a solid body consisting of granite rocks at the top and basaltic igneous rocks at the bottom, this crust is a continent.
Ocean crust
It is a solid body consisting of sea sediment at the top, then beneath the volcanic rocks and the lowest is composed of igneous gabro and peridolite. This crust occupies the ocean floor.
Sima Coating (magnesium silicium)
Earth's crust is composed of silisium metals and magnesium in the form of Si O2 and Mg O compounds. This layer has a specific density greater than the pesky layer because it contains iron and magnesium, namely ferrous minerals magnesium and basaltic rocks and has an average thickness averaging 65 km.
Thus the discussion on Understanding the Litosphere along with the Parts and Explanations hopefully with this review can add insight and knowledge of you all, thank you very much for your visit